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Function buttons


Function Introduction

Automatic configuration

Click on the icon to quickly and automatically configure environmental parameters.

Manual configuration

Click on the icon to open the environment configuration page for manual configuration.

Display mode

By default, the display mode is Advanced Mode, which has more levels. From a practical perspective, in a simple business environment, there can be a more concise way, that is Normal Mode. This mode simplifies the hierarchy and reduces ineffective configuration processes.

Display Mode - Switch Presentation (Click to enlarge)

Normal mode

In cases where the development environment is single and the variability is small, it is recommended to use this mode.

Advanced mode (default)

Suitable for development environments that are relatively complex and require constant switching of environment testing interfaces, it is recommended to use this mode.

Quick modification

If you encounter incorrect domain name information and want to modify it, you can click on the icon on the right side of the info dropdown to quickly modify it.

Presentation (Click to enlarge)